Thursday, May 29, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008


On taking criticism...

"blast ‘em, guys"

-Kristopher, telling Zooomr members to flood Zoliblog with comments in favor of Zooomr after Zoli posted a criticism of the service issues Zooomr was having.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Things will get better over time...

Or maybe they won't?

I can't even finish deleting my photos and comments.


QOTD #1, or "I might still have a use for Zooomr afterall".

I think I might just start posting rediculous quotes from Kristopher, there seems to be a stockpile of them out there for the taking.

Just found this one now.

"We released Zipline at the same time Twitter and Jaiku were just coming into view and had the feature in development after we launched our second release (way before jaiku & twitter. ever existed)."

Oh, that's just rich!

The End.

OK, this is it.
I give up, you win Zooomr.

It's obvious at this point that nothing is going to change. Things won't be fixed, they will just be covered up with other new features, tweaks, and toys. The errors will still be here (see above) with no explanation, cause, or cure. I asked about the error and was told it might be on my end, a timeout, as Kristopher couldn't duplicate it. I've asked about the issues with OpenID, apparently they have issues, but only with Zooomr. I asked about some Twitter issues with linking etc, I was told it was Twitters fault in how they handled URLS. I even asked about the issues with jUploader, that's apparently jUploaders fault in how they are dealing with the API. Don't get me started about the Friendfeed issues, just know it's Friendfeed's fault that it doesn't work properly.

It's great to see the new mobile features are working least someone will still be happy. Maybe I should consider going strictly mobile, as everything seems to be working for them? Nah...

So Zooomr, I think it's time for me to finally give up. I'm almost about done deleting the rest of my files (which is another issue all together from what I've heard) and I have just about finished hooking up with all of my contacts over on Flickr (the Vimeo Rip-off) and iPernity (destroyer of photos). Once done, I'm planning on a "no looking back" step away from here. I think I need to follow the lead of so many others and just walk away, never to return, and get on with it. All the hooting and hollering in the world isn't going to make a difference. Zooomr (read: Kristopher) obviously knows better than everyone else and is unwilling to listen. It's been a problem for a very long time, it's just too bad I didn't see it sooner.

Life lesson #212!

Monday, May 5, 2008

In Cycles

Round and round we go, again!

Zipline arguments always go through the same routine without fail. First someone complains, next someone defends, then everyone else lines up behind their favorite team and joins in on it. A few stray the course and try to neutralize the situation, others just sit by for a few hours and rattle the cages when it seems as things were almost calmed down. Then, once it's safe, intervention comes along, and the hero emerges. It's a cycle that never ends and is never resolved, only put off for a few more months. The problem is, people on all sides just don't get it, and they never learn from the ordeal.

If I may, a few words of advice for those who wish to get involved in such "arguments".

To the complainant: you complain you loose, it' the way the Zooomr game works. There will always be new defenders that haven't learned yet, and they will shun you like you've got the plague.

To the defender: watch what you say now, you (like so many before you) my find yourself eating your words when you realize that things are as you once denied. It happens every 3-4 months or so, then fades out, repeat, etc.

To Zooomr: when will you see and acknowledge that this cycle is a problem, a continuous issue that has spanned years. When will you finally break this cycle, and I don't mean with the calming empty promises?

To the rest: sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the ride, and if you missed this one, give it some time, another cycle will be round for you in no time.

Usually, there will be an "update" or a "bug fix" or some "new features" coming after these Zipline posts span more than a day, that's how it always works. Throw them a bone, reassure and reconfirm with everyone that Zooomr is one person, who is working hard for their "friends" to make Zooomr happen. Rally the troups, calm the situation, and then continue on for a few more months with a broken product and incomplete promises.

We go 'round and 'round...

Thursday, May 1, 2008