My problems? These problems are very public and they are not specific to me. Read the Trac and the Zipline, they have been going on for months and months. Read every post prior to this one, they document all off the current issues that people are suffering from. I have spelled a lot of them out very clearly, if you'd like I can provide you with my list as well as the current list that's on pick.
Some of those items have been on the Zooomr trac for almost 6 months now!
Hello, I'm Ichiro Watanabe from Zooomr Support!
If you can contact me with your username, we would love to help with your problems (of which you seem to have more than most of our users).
My email address is ichiro.watanabe [a t] bluebridge [dot] jp
I sincerely look forward to speaking with you!
My problems? These problems are very public and they are not specific to me. Read the Trac and the Zipline, they have been going on for months and months. Read every post prior to this one, they document all off the current issues that people are suffering from. I have spelled a lot of them out very clearly, if you'd like I can provide you with my list as well as the current list that's on pick.
Some of those items have been on the Zooomr trac for almost 6 months now!
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