Thursday, May 22, 2008

QOTD #1, or "I might still have a use for Zooomr afterall".

I think I might just start posting rediculous quotes from Kristopher, there seems to be a stockpile of them out there for the taking.

Just found this one now.

"We released Zipline at the same time Twitter and Jaiku were just coming into view and had the feature in development after we launched our second release (way before jaiku & twitter. ever existed)."

Oh, that's just rich!


BG! said...

OK, it's an old quote, and it's from Thomas not Kristopher, but this one still makes me ROFLMFAO...

"I doubt Bearded Git is even your real legal name."

Rich indeed!

I do miss the good old days.

ZWiG said...!

Wonder what would happen if you started using Thomas Hawk instead, as that's not his name either.

Oh, and I went through the archives today, I have a lot of great quotes fromt he past 2 years or so to post...stay tuned.