Nice try Kristopher, but too late, the JS isn't the only way to track users to a site. I can prove you if you'd like? Mis-typing also doesn't hide you. ;-)
And you are correct, the Porn posters are jerks, but they shouldn't be able to post as they are in the first place without a safeguard system in place. Something you promised almost a year back.
just like this blog!
Thanks Kristopher you are awesome, glad you've discovered something here today!
i wish i could be half of what kris is.... nah, your site is worse than the jerks who post porn to zoomr.
Nice try Kristopher, but too late, the JS isn't the only way to track users to a site. I can prove you if you'd like? Mis-typing also doesn't hide you. ;-)
And you are correct, the Porn posters are jerks, but they shouldn't be able to post as they are in the first place without a safeguard system in place. Something you promised almost a year back.
So who's worse?
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